Not many people are aware of this, but it is possible to use black seed oil for weight loss, and scientific studies confirm that it works. This is just another example of an ancient natural remedy being a solution to a serious modern aliment – in this case, excess body-fat and obesity.
Do you struggle with stubborn belly fat that just won’t go away? Have you tried exercising and dieting to no avail? Many of us struggle losing weight, and with 63% of the UK being obese, it is becoming a serious problem. Worldwide obesity has tripled in only 45 years, with 1 billion people being obese as of 2016. It comes as no surprise that the WHO have classed obesity as a worldwide health epidemic, and it sure is one of grand proportions. If you feel like you have tried everything but just can’t seem to shake those extra pounds, black seed oil may be your answer. Black seed oil is a potent anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-oxidant and all-round wonder oil.
But first, why is being overweight or obese a problem? Excess weight is known to cause debilitating health problems such as respiratory difficulties, chronic musculoskeletal problems, skin problems and infertility. The more life-threatening problems fall into four main areas: Cardiovascular (heart) problems; insulin resistance such as type 2 diabetes; cancer, especially the hormonally related and large-bowel cancers; and gallbladder disease. The physical health conditions are bad enough, but the mental impact can be equally as scary. Being overweight can take an emotional toll, and cause disordered eating habits.
Why is obesity such a huge problem in the modern world? In today’s day and age, we live much more sedentary lifestyles than our ancestors did, and the food available to us is energy-rich and nutritionally poor. Even the fruits and vegetables we eat today, contain significantly less vitamins and minerals than they did in the past. One study found that we would have to eat 8 oranges to receive the same amount of vitamin A that one orange would have given our grandparents. Highly processed foods, like white sugar, bread, pasta, cheese, cereal, cake, milk, fizzy drinks, crisps, bacon, sausage, ham, etc. provide excessive calories with next to no nutrition. Furthermore, they cause inflammation throughout the body and disrupt the metabolism.
All sorts of treatments for obesity have emerged, some of them very extreme. People have their jaws wired shut, or even their stomach surgically tucked to prevent them from eating too much. There are a million diets out there, but many people report putting the weight back on sooner or later. Black seed oil may be a better solution for weight loss because it works in harmony with the body. Not only does it help people lose weight, but it mitigates some of the negative health consequences of being overweight.
The reason why black seed oil is so effective in aiding weight loss is because 1. It decreases inflammation and 2. Its ability to regulate insulin production. The active ingredient in black seed oil is thymoquinone, which has been found to possess potent inflammation-reducing abilities. If you are eating a healthy and calorie-restricted diet and exercising regularly, but just can’t seem to lose weight- there is likely an underlying condition to blame. Black seed oil treats the underlying condition. Inflammation is a major cause of obesity. The most common symptoms of inflammation associated with excess weight are: High blood pressure, high blood sugar and high cholesterol. Black seed oil has been found to lower all three of these.
In one eight-week study, 90 women aged 25–50 with obesity were given a low-calorie diet and either a placebo or one gram of black seed oil per meal for a total of three grams per day. At the end of the study, those taking the black seed oil had lost significantly more weight and inches of the waist than the placebo group. The group who took the black seed oil also experienced significant improvements in triglyceride and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. LDL cholesterol is a fatty substance strongly associated with being overweight that is found in your blood that can clog up your arteries, raising your risk of having a heart attack.
A review of 11 studies in 783 participants with obesity, or who were overweight, found that black seed oil reduced body weight by an average of 2.1kg and waist circumference by 3.5 cm over 6–12 weeks, compared with a placebo group. Researchers believe its ability to improve glucose tolerance, enhance liver health, decrease inflammation, and regulate glucose levels all play contributing roles in helping the body return to a normal weight. Studies have also noted its ability to supress appetite and cravings, which also help in dropping the pounds.
So, if you are trying to shed some pounds- it’s time to introduce black seed oil into your life. You shouldn’t depend solely on black seed oil for weight loss- use it as a tool to help you on your journey. Black seed oil is not a replacement for healthy eating and regular exercise, but it has been found to help people lose weight quicker and shrink the waistline. It lowers inflammation, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, bad cholesterol, regulates glucose levels and suppresses appetite. If you want to kick start your weight loss journey- order our black seed oil today. We also offer free nutrition consultations.
More info here: the history and benefits of black seed oil.
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