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8 Good Bacteria You Need To Know About



8 Good Bacteria You Need To Know About

Your microflora balance is the most important – and most overlooked –area of health. Did you know that your body contains more independent living beings than human cells? In fact, you have trillions of these tiny life forms inside you right now. These are the “good bacteria” you hear about in yoghurt adverts. But to call them “good” is an understatement. They are absolutely vital to your health: they help digest food, prevent bad bacteria, activate your immune system, and even help to regulate your mood and brain health.

In the same way as we chop down trees and pollute the natural world, we are polluting our inner world of bacteria. Processed food, alcohol and smoking, pollution, unnecessary pharmaceuticals, our obsession with cleanliness and many other aspects of the modern world are disrupting the balance of microflora in our bodies. In fact, comparing samples from ancient mummies with today’s, humans, we can see we have lost out on some of the microflora that keeps us healthy.

The link between microflora and health cannot be overstated. Pretty much any area of health you can think of has a relation to the microflora balance. In the digestive system, they aid digestion, kill pathogens, and produce substances vital for the body. Bacteria also play a vital role in the immune system, they appear to communicate with immune cells directly and help the body to fight off all sorts of illnesses. The gut-brain link is a huge area of research and we are learning more every day. So far, we have found certain bacteria alleviate depression and anxiety, and neurological conditions like Alzeihemers disease are associated with changes in the microflora balance. Learn more about the importance of microflora here. 

After a long search and a lot of research, we chose to stock the probiotic supplement that we feel is the best. VitaBiosa contains 8 types of good bacteria that have been well researched, with the health benefits firmly established. It also contains a selection of 19 digestion-promoting herbs which include many of our favourites based on ancient usage history and modern scientific research.

The 8 bacteria included are definitely some of the most powerful soldiers you need in your internal army!

  1. Acidophilus

The most well-researched healthy bacteria, this has a developed a symbiotic relationship with the human body, which provides it with the perfect temperature and environment to thrive in.  In return, it produces vitamin K, lactic acid and other substances that kill harmful bacteria. It is effective against e.coli, salmonella and other dangerous strains – even actively attacking and “strangling” them.

There have been some fascinating studies in the field of cancer research with Acidophilus. It has been shown to prevent tumours from forming and growing in animal studies, and have a positive impact on the intestinal flora in human cancer patients.

  1. Bifidobacterium

This helpful bacteria plays an important role in digestion, converting carbohydrates to acetic acid, lactic acid, vitamin b, and pathogen-killing substances. The acids lower the stomach PH, making it harder for bad bacteria to grow. It can break down undigestable proteins, making it essential for healthy digestion.

Research with Bifidobacterium has shown it to be effective against diarrhoea, infections, and colds and flu (it plays a role in immunity). 

  1. Bifidobacterium Longum

This also produces lactic acid and vitamin K. It is anti-inflammatory and supports immune cells.

Bifidobacterium Longum is found in breast milk, and so it is one of the first bacteria to colonise the infant’s gut. A lot of research has been carried out showing it may be helpful for many conditions including antibiotic-associated diarrhoea, seasonal allergies, weight gain, colon cancer, and bone problems.

  1. L. Casei

This is another powerful internal ally, it is anti-inflammatory and kills pathogens. What is particularly fascinating about this strain is that it communicates with the intestinal cell wall, which activates the immune system.

Research has shown L. Casei may be helpful for Chron’s disease, and that it prevents both diarrhoea and constipation.

  1. S. Thermophilus

This bacteria feeds on sugars, producing ph-lowering lactic acid. It has been shown to kill anti-biotic resistant bacteria which means it is attracting a lot of medical research. It is also known to alleviate lactose intolerance. S. Thermophilus has also shown some cancer-killing potential in animal studies.

  1. L. Lactis

This helpful bacteria kills produces nisin (a substance that kills a wide range of pathological bacteria).

L. Lactis is also involved in the function of the immune system, so much so that it is being used in research into potential microflora-based vaccines.

  1. L. Rhamnosus

This is a strain of bacteria that has attracted significant medical research attention. It demonstrates clear evidence of the gut-brain link since it alleviates depression and anxiety. It has also been shown to help with weight gain, IBS, gastroenteritis, dermatitis, eczema, and allergies.

The power of this particular bacteria demonstrates how the microflora balance is involved in so many different aspects of the human body. Digestion is not a closed system as previously thought, it is linked to everything!

  1. L. Salivarius

This is one of the first bacteria that enters the human body through the mouth after birth and goes on to live in the gut. Now a bacteria entering a baby’s mouth and living inside them may not sound like a good thing, but with L. Salivarius it is! This bacteria has numerous benefits: it kills pathogens, has anti-inflammatory properties, and it enhances the immune system.

These are just 8 of the thousands of beneficial microflora that inhabit the human gut. But, VitaBiosa has selected these due to their well-researched health benefits. Some probiotic products try to include as many different strains as possible, but based on our research and customer feedback, we prefer the quality over quantity approach. 

The 19 herbs stored in VitaBiosa are fermented by the probiotics, this means that the bacteria have started to break them down. This makes them easier to digest since some of the work has already been done. Consuming herbs in this way can maximize the beneficial effects.

You can buy VitaBiosa from our online shop, or visit us in Brixton for a free consultation.

Good Bacteria: Questions & Answers

What are some examples of good bacteria?

The strains covered in this article are:

Bifidobacterium Longum
L. Casei
S. Thermophilus
L. Lactis
L. Rhamnosus
L. Salivarius

Are there good bacteria in your body?

Yes, the body is packed full of microflora (good bacteria). There are more bacteria in your body than there are human cells! Around 100 thousand billion bacteria can be found living in your body, mostly in the intestines. They are essential for the body to function correctly, they aid digestion, protect from pathogens, and even regulate the brain.

What is the best source of good bacteria?

Probiotic foods are a great source of good bacteria, these include:

Yoghurt / Kefir
Sauerkraut (unpasteurised)
Miso Soup

Also, supplements like VitaBiosa are designed to give you a range of beneficial good bacteria.

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